Freelance Web developer, graphic designer & digital Marketer Hard work day to day life

Freelance Web developer, graphic designer & digital Marketer Hard work day to day life

Freelance Web developer, graphic designer & digital Marketer Hard work day to day life

shariq manzoor web developer kashmir

As a freelancer in the web development, graphic design, and digital marketing field, my daily life would likely involve a combination of the following tasks:

  1. Web development: Writing and testing code to create, maintain, and update websites.
  2. Graphic design: Creating visual designs for websites, logos, advertisements, and other marketing materials.
  3. Digital marketing: Planning and executing digital marketing campaigns, including email marketing, social media marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO).
  4. Client communication: Interacting with clients to understand their needs, provide updates on projects, and address any concerns or questions.
  5. Project management: Keeping track of deadlines, and budgets, and ensuring that projects are completed on time and within scope.
  6. Continuing education: Staying up to date with the latest industry trends and advancements in technology, in order to offer the best services to clients.

Overall, a day in the life of a web developer, graphic designer, and digital marketer freelancer would involve a mix of creative, technical, and business tasks, with a focus on delivering high-quality work for clients.

If you’re looking for a reliable and experienced web developer, I would love to hear from you. Let’s work together to bring your online vision to life!

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Content marketing: A straightforward guide to explaining content marketing to a new team member.

Content marketing: A straightforward guide to explaining content marketing to a new team member.

Content marketing: A straightforward guide to explaining content marketing to a new team member

Content Marketing

By Haika Shah

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is a marketing system used to draw in, connect with, and hold a group of people by making and sharing important articles, recordings, webcasts, and different media. This approach lays out skills, advances brand mindfulness, and keeps your business top of the psyche when now is the right time to purchase what you sell.

Definition of content marketing:

Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.

There are various kinds of content marketing, including:

⦁ Contributing to a blog
⦁ Video
⦁ Podcasting
⦁ Infographics
⦁ Email
⦁ Visual content
⦁ Digital books/eBooks
⦁ Lead magnets
⦁ Whitepapers
⦁ SlideShare introductions/Presentations
⦁ Tests/instruments/Quizzing
⦁ Courses
⦁ Webinars
⦁ Slide decks
⦁ Free applications
⦁ Social media posts and more
The key is that the content gives data or amusement, typically for free, on the side of a business objective.

The following are four things that numerous organizations need to escape their content marketing endeavours:

⦁ Directing traffic to the landing page
⦁ Spreading brand mindfulness
⦁ Building connections
⦁ Acquiring income
⦁ Creating social offers and backlinks

Get the best value in Digital Marketing services. Get started now! Grow your business. Want to learn more? Click here. Services – Best Web Developer in Kashmir (

Shariq Manzoor


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Best web developer in Kashmir, Graphic Designer, Ecommerce Developer, WordPress Developer, Android App Developer, Travel Website Developer in Kashmir. Shariq Manzoor

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